Integrating the iPad’s Camera into Your Classroom

Presented by: Todd Strother
Room 161

This session will highlight the many classroom uses of the iPad's camera.  Equipped with the appropriate apps and a wealth of ideas, the camera transforms the iPad into an archiver of student work, a method to record student thinking and learning, a document scanner, and an artistic channel for student creativity.  Having an Internet-connected device that records digital imagery provides students with an extremely efficient method for sharing and connecting with a wide audience.  This session will benefit all ages and varieties of iPad integration, from K to 12 and including 1:1, small group sets, and single devices as a teacher tool.

Subjects covered: Art
Topic area: 1:1 iPad deployment, shared iPad use, app overview, assessment, student collaboration
Grade Level: Primary (PK-2), Intermediate (3-5), Middle School (6-8), High School (9-12)
Participant Level: Novice, intermediate