Meet Bill Peet: A Look at How a Class Used iMovie and Drawing Pad to Enrich Literacy Instruction

Presented by: Nick Giacobbe
Room 157

In this session, you will have the opportunity to see how two apps (Drawing Pad and iMovie) can be used together to create  digital products. You will be walked through a series of lessons that culminated in the creation of a Ken Burns style video of the life of the famous Disney animator/author, Bill Peet. In these lessons, you will see how your students can work collaboratively on multiple devices to illustrate, storyboard, edit, script, and produce a video based on a shared text.

Subjects covered: Literacy, Special Education
Topic area: Small group instruction, 1:1 iPad deployment, app overview
Grade Level: Primary (PK-2), Intermediate (3-5), Middle School (6-8)
Participant Level: Novice